Sunday 4th October 2015: To celebrate the completion of 10 years  Secular Franciscan Order of Corpus Christi Church  held a get-together at 11.30 a.m in the Church hall.  Parish Priest V. Rev. Fr. Austin Peter Peres, V.P. Mr. Andrew Noronha, Secretary Mrs. Rita Rego, Sisters of the convents, Mr. John Rego –Varado President of  SFO and all Ward Gurkars were the invitees. They were honoured by presenting them a rose. Function ended with chicken Biryani Lunch prepared by the SFO members.

Let us pray with St. Francis “ Lord make me an instrument of Peace” and become peace makers in our Christian community.

Wish you all a very Happy Feast. 

- News by John Menezes


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