22nd June 2014
Sunday Readings: DEUTERONOMY 8:2-3, 14b-16a ; 1 CORINTHIANS 10:16-17 ; JOHN 6:51-58
Theme: Jesus is the living bread that gives us Life
The feast of Corpus Christi is a commemoration of the sacrifice made by Jesus Christ by offering His life in order to save humankind from their sins. It is a reminder to all of us of the love which our Divine Lord performed on the night before He died. His love was so tremendous that He left to the church and His followers through His Divine Power to represent again and again the sacrifice of His human nature which He was about to offer on the next day of the last supper.
The first reading from the book of Deuteronomy speaks to us of the manna which the Israelites received when they were in the wilderness. This manna was given to them when they were wandering for forty years in the desert. Their journey from Egypt to the Promised land was vast through the desert and that too at times without food and water. But God did not leave them to suffer, instead He provided for them food and water to drink. So Moses reminds them of the great works God had performed in their life during those forty years. Even the manna was a heavenly food provided in order feed them. These all things were a reminder to the Chosen people that without the help of God they can't do anything in life.
The second reading from St. Paul's letter to Corinthians tells us that we participate in the one body of Jesus Christ. The cup of blessing and breaking of the bread are both commemoration of the sacrifice of Christ. Through which we all Christians are nourished because we consider it as the consecrated bread and wine. Even the early converts of Corinthian community believed that. So, St. Paul tells us that we are all members of the mystical body of Christ. The participation into it is uniting ourselves into that Christ's body. There were distinctions in the Corinthian community and knowing that, Paul reminds them that there can be no divisions, no disunity among those who are united with Christ and though that they share the same body and blood of Jesus.
Today's gospel is an indication to all of us that if we accept Jesus then we would experience true life. Jesus said, "I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if anyone eats of this bread, He will live forever; and the bread which I shall give for the life of the world is my flesh." Then we have the retaliation from Jews who considered Jesus as mere man. So they were wondering how this man can give them His flesh to eat. So they fail to see in Jesus the divinity. But Jesus tells that if we receive Jesus' body and blood we will live forever.
This feast invites us to live our life based on the nourishment that we get from reception of the body and blood of Jesus. We as Christians have got an opportunity to celebrate this great event in the Eucharistic celebration. Eucharist is a memorial of the great sacrifice which Jesus offered on the cross and surrendered His life for the atonement of our sins. So when we celebrate the mass we are giving glory to God and it renews in us all the divine blessings won on Calvary.
Rev. Fr. Maxim, SVD