Tuesday 3rd  September 2013 : Thought for the day:  The Family of Mary is home of Peace

Message:  Peace and harmony makes the family survive long and  NOT  material & comfort

Special  Intention: To  pray for Peace & harmony

Peace and harmony is what we should look for in life and this will keep our families and the world a place of Peace and joy to live in.  Generally we try to provide all comfort and material things to keep our families happy but we forget  that, it is the love, peace and harmony that keeps families strong, united and survive long.  Jesus always said that He will give us the peace and harmony in life, So let us look for this in Jesus and we will make our family also a home of peace.  Let us also pray for peace in this troubled world so that people live in peace and harmony .

After the mass children offered flowers to Mother Mary by  ‘flower offering ceremony”  in the church veranda and reciting the Novena Prayer. Sweets were distributed to all present for the novena.


News & Photos by Mr John Menezes, Moodbidri










































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