By John Menezes
Friday 24th December 2021: The Celebration started with Christmas carols at 7.00 p.m. Church Choir sung the carols with Tableau presented by our youth on the church grounds. 7.30 p.m. the mass started and Rev. Fr. Rohit Dcosta Director of the Bajpe-Pope John Paul II shrine was the main celebrant with V.Rev. Fr. Paul Sequeira Parish Priest of Corpus Christ Church as co-celebrant.
More than thousand people attended the celebration. After the mass adoration to the Infant Jesus took place followed by blessing of the beautiful Crib prepared by our ICYM members.
Christmas cake was cut by two children accompanied by Priests, Sister of convent, Vice President and Secretary. Young girl Sanvi Dsouza gave the Christmas Toast . Cake and Malt was served to all present. Christmas Housie was conducted by Carol Rebello while Sylvia Mascarenhas compeered the program. People wished each other " Merry Christmas" and made the celebration successful.
Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to people of goodwill. Amen