13th April 2017: Maundy Thursday – The Last Supper of Jesus with his apostles was commemorated at Corpus Christi Church Moodbidri at 5.30 p.m. with the Eucharistic Sacrifice. V. Rev. Fr. Paul Sequeira was the main celebrant with Deacon Ritesh Rosario as co-celebrant.
Apostles, Readers and the altar boys came in procession to the altar with the celebrants and the Holy Sacrifice started with the introduction of the meaning of the Love of Jesus by offering his Body & blood for the mankind.
Also washing the feet of 12 Apostles He shows us the way how we should become humble and show our love to others. Master washing the feet of his apostles is the greatest show of Love.
Today the Catholic community prays for all the priests and contributes for them.
After the mass the Holy Eucharist was moved to the side Altar as we are remembering the passion and death of Jesus from today until Saturday when we celebrate the resurrection.
Ah hour was spent with Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. The Church was full with worshippers and the devotion of Holy week started with Last Supper celebration .
Nothing is greater in Love than giving our life for others. Let us learn to love others from the great sacrifice of Jesus.
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