St. Anthony Ward feast was celebrated at Mr John Maxim Tauro house on 28th June 2015 at 12.30 p.m.

Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Austin Peres, Parish Vice President Mr Andrew Noronha, Morning Star Convent Sister Benny, Carmel Convent Sister Felsita and her companion, all other parish ward Gurkars and guests were also present.







Function started with a prayer by Ward members. Ward Gurkar Mr. Clifford D'Costa gave a welcome speech and welcomed everyone.  Ward Secretary Mrs. Violet Tauro read the annual report.

Mrs. Mabel D'Costa conducted a quiz based on various topics and the event games.






Thereafter Rev. Fr. Austin Peres gave a speech on the companionship among the ward members. Mr. Andrew Noronha and Mrs. Rita Rego gave good wishes to the ward. Mr. Joseph Montero gave vote of thanks to all who helped and supported to make this function a great success.

At the end, the function concluded by having a delicious lunch prepared by the ward members under the leadership of Mr. David D'Silva and his Family.







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