Photos: Sunil Miranda, Gantalkatte


Mar. 23: Moodbidri Deanery SCC meeting was held on Friday March 23 at Gantalkatte Church from 9 am to 2 pm. V. Rev. Fr Austin Peris, vicar forane presided over the function.

Fr Walter D'Souza, diocesan director of SCC was the resource person. Fr Sylvester D'Costa, SCC convenor of the varado was the  the organiser of the event. Fr Assisi Rebello of Hospet, Fr Mark Valder of Gantalkatte, Fr Gilbert D'Souza of Paladka among others were present.

The importance of service in SCC ward gatherings, was the main topic of the input session. Parish SCC convenors explained the growth of SCC of their respective parishes.

Sufficient time was given for question answer session to clarify various doubts regarding SCC growth. Fr Sylvester D'Costa, deanery SCC convenor welcomed the gathering,  SCC Varado coordinator proposed the vote of thanks and Sr Precilda B S the deanery religious anchored the programme.

Around 400 participants were present from 12 parishes.


























































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