Monday 2nd September 2013: As usual the mass started  at 6.45 a.m. Church was full of devotees, adults and children carrying flowers  to honour Mother Mary.

Thought for the day: Mary is a witness  to model motherhood

Message: Motherhood is a Gift

Special Intention: Pray for all mothers

Motherhood is a great gift of God. Mother is another name for love. It is said that God could not be everywhere and so hem created mothers.  A mother does everything that she can for the family, to bring the kids from conception till the end of life.  That is we consider mother as a representative of God love.

Let us pray for all mothers, and also for the future mothers so that they understand the plan of God and take motherhood as great gift of God to a woman.  Let us all remember our mothers and keep them happy and take care of them when they are old for their never ending love for their children.

After the mass children offered flowers to Mother Mary by  ‘offering ceremony”  in the church veranda and reciting the Novena Prayer. Sweets were distributed to all present for the novena.

Oh Mother Mary, teach our mothers to be like you, to love and bring up their children in the footsteps of Christ.

News & Pics: Mr John Menezes





























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