Dear Parishioners,

I feel happy to give you a Christmas message.

John 1:14 “And the word became flesh and dwelt among us. “ Yes Christmas is the time when we meditate God becoming human being. He assumed the form of human. If we ask a question to ourselves- What is the need for God to become human? He could have assumed the form of an animal or a tree or something spectacular. Yes, humans are God’s best creations created in his own image and likeness.

When his best creation was defamed because of sin God wanted to restore his original and grace filled state. To do this job better God sent his only son Jesus to this world to become human and to redeem the sinful humans. There is still a better explanation. God became human to teach humans here, to become better humans. This sounds better for the present time.

Yes, there is a difference between a human being and being human. We are human beings and we need to be human beings which is a continuous process. Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan second president of India said, “We learnt to fly like birds in the air and swim like fish in the water but not learnt to become humans.” Yes, we forgot what we ought to become but became something else. The babe in Bethlehem is fully “HUMAN”. Let us learn from this Holy babe to live and love our humanness in our relationships. I wish all my parishioners here and abroad Happy Christmas as well as A grace filled New Year 2020.

God bless you all

Fr. Paul Sequeira
Parish Priest

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