Sunday Sept. 1, 2019: Marian Sodality and Altar boys held a get-together from 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. at Church Main Hall. Mrs. Janet Pais was the chief guest. V.Rev. Fr. Paul Sequeira, VP John Menezes, Secretary Ronald Serrao, Mrs. Joyline Misquith, Mrs. Nancy Dsilva and Sr. Leena were the invitees.
Vian Dsouza and Rachel Dsouza the presidents of Altar boys & Marian Sodality organized the programme in an appreciable manner. The program started with prayer. Welcome dance & skit by Sodality girls, songs and a skit - “Prodigal Son” by both groups followed. Games were conducted by Joyline teacher. Parish Priest and Vice President gave their messages. Chief Guest addressed them on: “How to Grow on Holiness”. She also distributed the prizes to the winners of the games.
Juice and snacks (Idli Sambar) were served to all present.
We wish the Marian Sodality members and the Altar boys a happy Feast and pray to God through Mary to guide and protect them always.